Help of the Week

How To Reflect Christ Daily?

O to be like Thee! blessed Redeemer; This is my constant longing and prayer; Gladly I’ll forfeit all of earth’s treasures; Jesus, thy perfect likeness …

Word of the week

Article of the Week

Written Word Prayer And Spirit-Inspired Prayer

"There are some kinds of prayer that are not so quiet prayer" ~ Rev.d Kenneth E Hagin.This quote by the revered Kenneth E Hagin opens …

Recent posts

Written Word Prayer And Spirit-Inspired Prayer

Standing Alone

Lead Me To Rest

Putting Our Minds On God

The Way Uphill

Give It All To God

On Forgiveness

Receiving Direction From The Holy Spirit

Becoming Like Jesus: The Life Of God (2)

Challenges Are Not The Absence Of God (Part 3)

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Written Word Prayer And Spirit-Inspired Prayer

"There are some kinds of prayer that are not so quiet …

Standing Alone

One of the hardest feelings in life is that …

Lead Me To Rest

Every Friday, as I scroll through my status updates, I …

Putting Our Minds On God

With everything competing for our attention daily, can we fix our …

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