How "The Lord Is My Shepherd"

Psalm 23:1-2.

The shepherd’s voice is recognized distinctively by each sheep in the fold. While there might be many shepherds whose flocks are put together in one place, when the keeper of a particular sheep calls, it knows.

This is as a result of the sheep spending a lot of time with its owner therefore it had heard him converse and gotten used to his voice over time. Not necessarily because the sheep learned the main language of its owner but it developed cues as to what He is saying per time.

The shepherd also takes care of the sheep, He can know when it’s sick, the food that nourishes the sheep’s body, a dangerous and safe location to graze in, and then safety from predators.

Jesus Christ calls himself the good shepherd and he likens us to his sheep.“ I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. John 10:14. Let’s look at some hidden truths about the access we have because of him:

1. Provision

There is a continual daily need for basic amenities of life such as food, shelter, bills to pay, humanity groan for help, relationships to build, finances, and good health amongst many. A sheep would recognize that the shepherd provides all that he needs. In a dry and thirsty land, when famine ravages the nation or your society it is important to note that the Lord is your divine provision. Do not be anxious about what you will eat or drink today nor tomorrow for your father in heaven knows you need those things, and He will provide for you, taking care of you always (Matthew 6:25-33.

2. Safety

The rumors of war, gun violence, kidnapping, robbery and wickedness is on the rise every day. It is possible that you start living in fear of what could happen to you, being overly conscious of yourself and loved ones. It is important to know that “…except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain” Psalm 127:1. Take charge of your day and work in the confidence that it is the Lord that protects you, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and he will ensure that you do not thread in dangerous places or walk into wickedness.

3. Direction

We are constantly faced with the need to answer questions of when, how, who and what to do. This pops up in every area of our lives as these decisions are needed to move forward. The consciousness of knowing that you have the Holy Spirit within you who teaches all things is very crucial. You don’t have to make decisions alone, tap into the resource God has given you which is the person of the Holy Spirit and let Him guide you. He speaks and all you have to do is listen.

4. Light

Have you ever walked on a street that is dimly lit? You can’t see beyond a short distance and just trusting the little illumination you have to guide your steps? Have you entered a room without light not able to find what you need? We can find ourselves in such situations in life, darkness seeming to ravage us with no light in or outside the tunnel. The good news though is that you have light inside of you and all you need to do is ask the Father of Light to shine his light upon your path. You don’t have to stumble or fall when your father has promised to order your steps daily.

5. Peace.

The scripture talks about peace that passes all understanding and the Lord leading you beside the still waters. In a world fill with chaos, anxiety, depression and fear of the unknown. It is important you know the one that dwells in you is the prince of peace and in this assurance, you can find rest in Him.

The good shepherd stays with you and give you all things you need to live a glorious life. Do not let worry veil you from accessing all your inheritance in Him. Daily look unto Him, commune with Him as you would with a friend, and you will find all the above benefits manifesting in your life.

ACTION: Pick one or more things from the list missing in your life and pray to God to give you access to it.


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