How To Reflect Christ Daily?

O to be like Thee! blessed Redeemer;

This is my constant longing and prayer;

Gladly I’ll forfeit all of earth’s treasures;

Jesus, thy perfect likeness to wear.

This is a common hymn often sung describing being like Jesus in words, deeds, and actions. But how true is this in our daily lives? Are we truly carrying our cross and forsaking worldly pleasures to ensure we are being like Jesus? Speaking words is easy but seeing them through with our actions is often hard. Let’s consider some ways we can ensure we are being like Jesus.

1. In Words

The scripture described Christ as one whom no unclean words proceeded out of his mouth. 1 Pet 2:22 says “Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:” Is this our testimony? That our words are always filled with grace so that your hearers may be blessed, honest, and true. We should not be judgmental, cursing people out, or killing others with word of mouth. Attitudes like gossiping, backbiting, anger, profane words, corrupt communication, etc. are not found in us but we continue to be in the likeness of Christ.

2. Thoughts

Pride, hatred, sexual immorality, lying, unbelief, etc. always stems from these thoughts. The scripture says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Our way of thinking reflects our disposition to life and our alignment with the person of Christ. We hereby endeavored to fill our hearts with biblical-based.

3. Actions

A saying goes “Action speaks louder than voice”. Be ye doers of the word and not just hearers only are the master’s commandment unto us. No number of books, podcasts, conferences, advice, or videos we watch would cause any transformation if we do not intentionally decide to apply the learning in our lives. As you read the bible make it a habit to be what you are reading, partial obedience is equal to no obedience.

4. Prayers

Christ lived a life of prayer. Mark 1:35 tells us that early in the morning he would depart to a solitary place to pray, not counting how many times he departs all through the scriptures apart from this time to pray. We must mirror the life Of Christ when it comes to prayer. It is the link to keeps us connected to the Father.

5. Studying the scripture.

Have you read your bible today? From a young age, we see Jesus Christ having delight in spending time in the temple. He was vast in the word that he overcame every temptation the enemy brought at him with the Scripture and replied to others with wisdom using the word of the Scripture. I encourage you to read the scriptures, meditate on them, and memorize scriptures that will help you.

6. Love

The greatest commandment is in Matthew 22:37-40, Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.". Do you love God with all your being? Do you love your neighbor as yourself? This is the whole life of Christ: LOVE. In a world filled with despondency, it is important that you so spread love to people and you can’t give what you don’t have. Therefore, I encourage you to love all and despise none. Let the love of God be shed abroad in your hearts and this is only possible through the Holy Ghost

Reflecting Christ is a daily intentional consciousness of yearning to be like in words, thoughts, love and every action or being you see the Savior reflect. Your constant question should always be “What will Jesus Do” or “Would Jesus do This”.

I pray that the grace to live daily like Jesus will be given to you.


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