5 Tips To Studying The Bible Daily


“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.” Joshua 1:8

The Lord’s commandment to us is to read the scripture daily which is the secret to living a successful life in every area of our lives. But in a world where we are so easily distracted, always in a haste and seems like there is not enough time to attend to everything, sometimes it becomes hard to attend to those things the Lord has commanded such as daily meditating on the scripture. Here are 5 are helpful tips to help you study the scripture daily:

1. Choose a time

The key to being consistent in any practice is to ensure that you incorporate it into your daily schedule. Though flexible to adjust if it doesn’t work out but ensuring that you give the best and first minute of your day to the Lord gleaning from his instructions. Have a fixed time scheduled to read the scripture daily.

2. Have a plan

Apart from having a daily devotional it is important to spend time in the word for the renewal and transformation of your mind to confront life. Plans may be including character study e.g., Esther or Daniel, chronological study, Books in the bible e.g., Isaiah etc. There are many resources online to help with bible study, you can start with this as a beginner and then let the Holy Spirit guide. If you do not plan what to study you might easily get discouraged and swayed away.

3. Grow With Someone

Being accountable is a very strong advice in our world today which I totally agree to. In Ecclesiastes 4:9- 12, the scripture says, “Two are better than one…For if they fall, one will lift up his companion…” tell someone about your plan who would keep you accountable and if possible do it together. This would help to make sure you stay committed and encouraged.

4. Don't Give Up

You might miss some days due to unforeseen situations, discouragement, boredom or emergencies. It is important that you don’t stop. Always resume and find your way back. Remember just like it takes a child time to grow in the natural. Revelation is progressive, the scripture will come alive to you if you don’t stop and before you know it you would not miss any day of reading the scripture no matter the turmoil life throws at you.

5. The Holy Spirit as a helper

The biggest secret is to always ask the Holy Spirit for help. Learn to talk to him and tell him to help study the scripture.

The scripture does not have to be boring or seems like a mountain that you cannot surmount. Be intentional about setting aside time to read, being accountable to someone and resting on the Holy Ghost. This will go a long way in getting closer to God.

You can always say this prayer when you are about to read or feel like not:

“Lord, I want to study your word as you have commanded, please help me to remain consistent and let your word come alive in my spirit.”


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    Dec. 18, 2023, 9:35 p.m. - Lekia   
    Thank you