Ye Are Gods: Separate Light From Darkness

Welcome to our exploration of Genesis 1:4, "And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness." In this verse, we uncover invaluable lessons about the separation of light from darkness and the wisdom it imparts.

God introduced light into a world already in darkness. However, the light was intermingled with darkness, prompting the need for separation. God's act of dividing light from darkness offers us insights as we strive to walk in this world as gods. It's not sufficient to merely introduce light into a situation overshadowed by deep darkness; we must also take the additional step of separation, and it's in this act of separation that our dimensions are unlocked.

The first lesson is that in God's creation, darkness has its role. The presence of darkness alongside light emphasizes its importance. If darkness had no role, God would have eradicated it. Darkness conceals mysteries and hides treasures. In the depths of darkness, God hides secrets and valuable treasures, encouraging us to search for and uncover these hidden gems (Isaiah 45:3). Hence, we should seize moments of darkness as opportunities to revolutionize and bring forth great things, extracting the hidden treasures within.

Darkness also serves as a time of rest. The Bible emphasizes the importance of rest at night (John 9:4, 1 Thessalonians 5:6-11). It's a reminder that there are moments when we need to take time off and find solace in the quiet of darkness. Additionally, darkness often precedes the emergence of light, signaling a transition from one phase to another (2 Samuel 23:4). We should make the most of these dark interludes, understanding that they are preludes to the light that will inevitably follow.

Another lesson from God's action is the importance of clear demarcation. When God recognized the goodness of the light, He made a clear division between light and darkness. Unfortunately, we fall into ruin when we mix things that are meant to be separate. 2 Corinthians 6:14 inquires, "What fellowship does light have with darkness?". It is vital to establish unequivocal boundaries and remain resolute in our convictions and principles. The story of Joseph exemplifies unwavering adherence to his convictions, even when faced with temptation (Genesis 39:6-23). Are you as clear in your convictions, dear reader? Have there been instances where you compromised to accommodate others, and what were the consequences of those compromises? We must resolve never to compromise and maintain clear boundaries.

The final lesson we learn as gods is the role of the shining light. It creates a profound distinction, much like night and day. The light that God introduced was so powerful that it exposed the darkness. If your light shines brightly, it will be noticeable to those shrouded in darkness. Do others perceive the light in you, or do you conceal it? It's essential to let your light shine brilliantly and distinctly for all to witness. In the same breath, can you identify those in darkness? The purpose of light is to dispel darkness. Do you share your light to guide those in the dark, or is it hidden?

The manifestation of light is discernible through a change in circumstances. We are not called to be mere speakers but agents of change. The radiance of light should replace darkness, emptiness, and desolation. Is there someone in bondage? Shine your light so they may see and be liberated. Keep shining your light, and let the oppressed find deliverance. It is when we, as gods, enable our light to divide darkness from the circumstances and limitations of those around us that we truly fulfill our divine calling.

So, make the conscious choice to ignite the light that God has placed within you, dispelling the darkness. May you be blessed, gods on Earth.



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