Ye are gods: the making dimensions.
As we approach the end of this series on attributes of God as viewed through the lens of His creative enterprise in Genesis 1, we explore two sides of an action of God that are readily applicable to us on earth as we mature. This is his making dimension. I remember wanting to eat rice and stew, a special delicacy for children, but having only our local eba or fufu and soup available. My father would remind me to appreciate what was made and eat it. Since I couldn’t make anything then, I could only eat what my parents had made. Now that I can make food and am older, I appreciate fufu even better than rice. Anyways, that’s aside. The main lesson I wanted to draw from this is the making dimensions of God. There will come a time, as we mature, when we will have to make the things, we want to have. Let’s jump right into the scriptures.
Genesis 1:6,7 “And God said, let there be a firmament…. and God made the firmament…” and Genesis 1:14,16, “And God said, let there be lights in the firmament... and God made two great lights…”. In God’s elegant design of creation, he wanted a firmament amid the waters to divide it, and based on that need, he made the firmament and divided the waters. In our lives, we ought to have that disposition. Is there a change you want to see? Say it and make it! That might sound easy to do, but things that are easy to do are also easy not to do. Sometimes, your utterance would act as a blueprint and a blueprint for what you want to see. In understanding that reality, we proceed on the journey as gods. Many people end up as wishful thinkers, wishing there would be changes in situations but disappointed that their wishes don’t come to reality. The reason is the making power, or the lack thereof.
You get what you make. This is a new year, and new decisions, plans, goals, aspirations, desires, and wishes come with the new year. You must make it for many of those things to come to pass. The formula is this: first, define the reason and purpose for what you want to make; next, make sure it aligns with the will of God; only then would you get the strategy for that; and finally, follow the plan and make it. This was the case with Noah. He got the instruction from God to make an ark because the world would be destroyed (Genesis 6:13, the purpose). With that inspiration came the pattern from the Lord (Genesis 6:14-16, the strategy), and Noah followed suit (Genesis 6:22, the making). The same formula as Moses in building a sanctuary for God (Exodus 25:8, the purpose), the detailed pattern was then given through the chapter (Exodus 25:40, and Exodus 31:2-6, the pattern and strategy respectively), and Moses and his team of Bezaleel and Aholiab followed through to do the work of God (Exodus 36:1-4, the making). If you know these, then make what you want to get.
The second component of making is that you only make what you are made up of. As seen in Genesis 1:16, God made two great lights. Remember, though, that God is light! John 8:12 exclaims I am the light of the world. God could only make the light as the light. He made things from him. This buttresses the previous paragraph on the strategy. It posits that we should be like Isaiah in Isaiah 40:28-31 to have no limitations. There are limitations inherent in humanity. For us to transcend, we ought to wait on the Lord to have access to the inexhaustible potential of God. Only then can we walk without limitations. The scripture says the flesh profits nothing. The Word of God is Spirit and life. We should connect to the life of the Spirit of God, for only when we are made up of God as our integral element can we have no limitations in our creative and making enterprise.
I pray that you will operate in a world of no limitations. In this new year, the Lord will unleash His fullness of grace, goodness, and godliness upon your life. You will make things to the glory of God, and your life shall be lived with no limitations. God bless you richly.
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