The Essence Of Knowledge

The Bible, which is a written document has been written for our learning. And in our learning, we must learn to have precise knowledge about the subject of the scripture.

The word knowledge was translated from the Greek word 'Epignosis' which means precise and accurate knowledge. So, if your knowledge of the scripture is partial and not precise and accurate, your Christian faith won't be balanced.

We saw Paul told Philemon the same thing in:

Philemon 1:6

[6]That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.

Let's take those words out one after the order and explain their usage;

  1. Communication: The word communication was translated from the Greek word 'Koinonia' which means fellowship, participation, and intimacy.
  2. Faith: The word faith was translated from the Greek Word 'Pistis' which means Belief, Conviction, and strong conviction. So, what Paul is saying is that there is a sharing of our belief and there is a fellowship of our convictions.
  3. Effectual: The word effectual was translated from the Greek word 'Energes' which means active, operative, powerful. Paul's message to Philemon would also mean that the sharing of our beliefs will be active or powerful. How can it be powerful/active?
  4. Acknowledging: The word acknowledging is the Greek Word 'Epignosis' which means precise and accurate knowledge. How will the fellowship of our Faith become active? When we have precise and accurate knowledge. Knowledge of what? Knowledge of every good thing in us in Christ Jesus.

So, the good things have been in us since we came into Christ. We have the responsibility to dig it out by having a precise and accurate knowledge of those good things. Hence, Paul's letter to Philemon was to make him see the essence of knowledge.

Summary of Philemon 1:6 'The sharing of our Christian faith will only become active when we have a precise and accurate knowledge of those things which are in us by Christ Jesus. Our Christian faith can either be active or passive, the choice is ours. When it is passive we will be ripped of many benefits we have in Christ Jesus. For instance, we have two sets of Christians who go to Church daily, one is a passive Christian while the other is an active Christian, if they both had a scary dream the way they will act towards the dream or the way they will interpret the dream will be different. Why? There's a knowledge that is driving the active one.

Please, note that the Christian drive to active Christianity is knowledge. If a passive brother sees someone that is sick, the first thing he will ever think of is a hospital but the active brother who understands what the scripture says in Mark 16:17-19 that the sign of his faith is that he can heal the sick then he requests to pray for him first before talking about the hospital.

Everything in our Christian faith deals with knowledge. Salvation came from knowledge. We were preached to, and we saw a need to be saved. The understanding to be saved is you receive knowledge on why you need to be saved. Paul's prayer for the Church of Ephesus (Ephesians 1:15-18) is that they might receive revelation knowledge. Knowledge there is also 'Epignosis' in Greek which also implies precise and accurate knowledge/understanding.

We ought to pray to receive precise and accurate knowledge so we can be able to see, comprehend and walk in all that Jesus has accomplished for us. The devil uses ignorance to attack many Christians' faiths.

Paul in Romans 10:1-3 says;

[1] Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved.

[2]For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.

[3]For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.

Paul prayed for them. His prayer is that they might have 'Epignosis'. Verse 3 says they are ignorant of God's righteousness. Righteousness is one of the good things which is in us in Christ Jesus that we ought to know. But Israel was ignorant about the righteousness of God. The opposite of ignorance is Precise and accurate knowledge.

In 1 Corinthians 12:1

[1] Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.

The Church of Corinth was saved, and they had the gift of the Spirit, but they passively worked in it. They were ignorant about how it's been operated. Paul had to write to them and that gave them order in working with the gift. So, we can have a gift of God, but lack of knowledge could make it look as though the gift is not there. What makes the gift alive is precise and accurate knowledge.

So today and always, stay desirous of knowledge. Knowledge of God, knowledge of Christ. Knowledge of His sacrifice. Knowledge of his nature. Knowledge of his gifts in you. Then you will start seeing yourself become effective.

Prayer Point

Ephesians 1:15-18

Lord Jesus, I receive precise and accurate knowledge. The eyes of my understanding are enlightened so I can be able to comprehend all that you have done for me. Amen.

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