Morning Devotion (Part 1)

Morning devotion is a practice that every believer ought to practice in their walk with God. As this is crucial, it aids our spiritual growth. Every believer must look forward to seeing that their morning devotion is solid, full of God's aura, and not mechanical. Morning devotion is one of the exercises to show that we are godly.

The word 'devotion' only appeared once in the entire New Testament Bible, and it was used about 'worship' (Acts 17:23). And the purpose of our living today is the worship of God. Our worship of God is seen in the spiritual activities that we engage in and one of them is Morning Devotion.

Paul's letter to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:7,
[7] But refuse profane and old wives' fables and exercise thyself rather unto godliness
Paul told Timothy to be given to exercises that are unto godliness. And one of them is Morning Devotion. Morning devotion entails waking early in the morning to do spiritual activities. That makes it an exercise. And it's a godly exercise.

We have a diverse example in God's word of people who were given to devotion. One of these people is Cornelius Acts 10:1-2

[1] There was a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius, a centurion of the band called the Italian band,

[2] A devout man, and one that feared God with all his house, which gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway.

Verse 2 says, a devout man...

The word devout here was translated from the Greek word 'EUSEBES' which means godly.

Cornelius is seen as the godly cause he was given to prayer. So one activity or exercise to be given is prayer. And it was said of Cornelius that he prayed always. So consistent prayer to God is one exercise that every believer should inculcate.

Another thing mentioned about Cornelius is that he fears the Lord. The word fear doesn't mean he was afraid. This implies honour, revere, tremble, and also a sign of priority and love for God. The reason we have a devotion is because we love and honour the Lord.

Just the way we can't do without speaking with our loved ones once a day so we shouldn't do without speaking to the Lord Jesus a day. And there must be a distinguishing between God and our loved ones. And we do this by placing God first. So before we speak to our loved ones we ought to have to have spoken to God.

Morning devotion will be sweet and remain fresh when we prioritise God. We don't just wake up anytime. We will see this in the second article. We can't wake up anytime as we don't go to work anytime or go to school anytime. There must be a time. And what time is it?

Anticipate the second part of this article to know the time to wake up to observe your devotion.

Action point: If you speak to men before God or if you do your activities before seeking God first, then you ought to change it as God must be placed on utmost priority.

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