Letter To The Just-Returned Child

Dearest One,

Welcome home!

We have been earnestly expecting your return since the last time you walked out of your inheritance as a son of Light.

It was a painful several months for us, and as you can imagine, a painful period also for Heaven, as our Father Himself and the entire hosts of Heaven are equally rooting for you.

The cunning foe found his way to your heart and deceived you to turn away from your Love – Jesus Christ. But we are grateful to God who has rescued you from the pit and brought you back to Light.

I write to you to know that you must not entertain any guilt at this point. It is a plan from the devil to make you lose sight of the Love of your Father. Sure, you might feel some occasional regret. It is normal and perfectly okay. However, you must realize that God does not condemn you. He is glad that you are back, and He wants you to stay this time, with Him for Life. He has everything in store, necessary for you to thrive and to walk with Him. All this will be unravelled as time goes on.

In addition to this, there are doors through which the enemy finds access to your heart. These doors must be shut. You might feel some regret looking back at those critical moments where you gave into that sin, again and again. The truth however is that as long as that door is open, you are likely going back.

If you don’t want another visit that might take you away, you will have to shut these doors forever, and where applicable, detonate them. So, if it is a mixture of several many things. Don’t worry! ‘Many is nothing before God’. He can close them all in a day, or even an hour.

You need to acknowledge those weak areas sincerely before Him, and then ask Him to cleanse you with your blood. Then, in your words, give God your entire heart and ask Him to call the shots, and rule over it.

Then finally, command the devil and all his cohorts to leave your space, and command all his access points to be destroyed forever. You might need a few minutes, or a few hours to pray this. The key is to be sincere and pray earnestly.

Don’t worry about time, only ensure that your heart comes to rest! There are so many things I am excited to tell you about. I will do that, in another letter, by the grace of God.

In the meantime, please do not forget: You are a Royal Priest., Carry yourself that way!

Your brother,


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